Jazz is a female Hyacinth Macaw. She is 8 years old and was also born in Canada and hand-raised. Hyacinths are native to South America, where the largest population can be found in the Pantanal Wetlands.
Hyacinth Macaws are the largest species of parrot. Jazz weighs in at
1,220 grams. With a body length of
90 centimeters (3 feet) and a wingspan of up to 120 centimeters (4 feet), these gentle giants are truly spectacular birds. Unfortunately, they are special for another reason as well - they are an endangered species. It is estimated that there are between 3,000 and 7,500 of these birds left in the wild. After having the opportunity to meet one of these amazing parrots, students come away with a much deeper appreciation for the value of conserving endangered species. |